
hey u all....just nk lpskan feelings i yg bercampur baur ny..xtau laa aku rase ape skrg..sedih or excited..sedih nk tinggalkan family aku tp excited jgk nk pergi start a new experience as a student kt negara org..soo from now on aku kene pndai berdikari laa..hadoii..xpe2..aku ade kwn2 aku kt sane..syakir and fatimah,korng jd guardian aku ekk kt sane..hahaha..btw..aku akn miss gileeee laa kt family and friends aku...kwn2aku mmg sporting hbs laa..korng laa kwn2 aku dunia akhirat..aku syg sgt2 kt korng..xkire laa laki ke pompuan..nk sebut pon ramai sape yg rase dye kwn kpd nik nurul iman bt nik mod amin 2...aku akn miss korng tao..and for my family thankss for all and ur full support and careness..and for my parents thankss sbb da hbskan byk gilee duit utk eman and insyaallah i will make u both proud!!!i hope i will get ur full blessing before iman pegi sane ekk mama papa...thankss 4 everything..and lastly for jaja,thankss hari 2 ko ajak aku pegi rmh ko..rendang ko mmg menjilat jari lahh!!haha..and atlast blh jgk aku tgk mansion ko 2..hahaha..gonna miss u jaja..and ur laughter 2..xblh blaa gelak ko 2...rindu doe..and kwn2ku yg lain!!ramai sgt nk tulis name2..haha..malaysia,sayonaraa~~ (bajet xblk malaysia je aku ny pon) hehe :)

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